The drainage pipes from your home flow into the septic tank, where bacteria break down the solid waste. Solid waste sinks to the bottom forming sludge, oil and grease rise to the top forming scum, and the wastewater (effluent) exits into the drainfield.
To prevent sludge and scum buildup, you should have your septic tank cleaned on a regular basis. Preventative maintenance can save you money and help ensure your septic system works properly. Contact Septic Tank Cleaning Perth now!

Every time you flush a toilet, the wastewater flows into your septic tank. The bacteria inside break it down, creating a layer of inorganic solid waste called sludge, and a floating layer of organic waste called scum. There is also a liquid layer that is known as effluent.
Your septic system has to be cleaned regularly to ensure that your household waste does not escape into the environment. If you do not have it cleaned, harmful substances may leak into the ground or waterways. This can affect the environment and people’s health, which is why it is essential to invest in regular cleaning and inspection services.
A professional septic tank inspector can determine when your septic system needs to be cleaned by looking at the sludge and scum layers. During the inspection, he or she will also check for signs of a leak or cracks in the tank. Moreover, the expert will look at your drain field to see if there are any obstructions or clogs.
During the inspection process, the technician will also use a device called a Sludge Judge to measure the depth of the sludge layer. The sludge depth is an important factor that determines how much the septic tank will need to be pumped. You can also reduce your septic system’s sludge buildup by avoiding putting non-biodegradable waste into the system. This includes things like diapers, wipes, sanitary products, grease, paint, and pesticides.
Septic tank cleaning is similar to septic pumping, but it involves a more thorough removal of solids and sludge from the bottom of the septic tank. A septic tank should be fully emptied and cleaned at least once in five years. However, some owners choose to have the septic tank cleaned more frequently.
A septic tank cleaning service can save you money in the long run by preventing future plumbing problems. This is especially important if you have young children and pets living in your home. Investing in preventative maintenance for your septic system will help you avoid sewage backups, which are very costly to repair and can pose serious health risks.
Many states require that homeowners have their septic systems inspected every one to two years and cleaned (pumped) once every three to five years. Some require periodic inspections of the drainfield, too. During the inspection, the tank and baffles are examined to make sure they’re in good condition and that there’s no obstructions. A septic expert will also check that the tank is not too full. The septic tank sludge layer should not occupy more than one-third of the tank volume and should not rise to the level of the baffles. If the septic tank is too full, it may be overflowing into the drainfield and contaminating groundwater.
Odors and gases from the septic system enter the home through the plumbing fixtures, then vent out through a pipe in the roof. The gases are usually hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs. Inspectors will check that this vent is intact and unclogged, to prevent a backup of wastewater into the home. Inspectors will also check the distribution box to make sure each drain line receives an equal amount of effluent. If the box is clogged, it can disproportionately allocate wastewater to certain drain lines, which can lead to overflows into the yard and house.
The inspector will remove the tank cover to look inside. They will look for cracks, chips and rust on the septic tank, as well as check the bottom of the scum and top of the sludge layers. They will also look for the inlet and outlet pipes to ensure they are free of leaks or corrosion. They will inspect the baffles for clogs and to make sure they’re firmly attached to the inlet and outlet pipes.
They will also test the functionality of the septic system by running water in the house to see if it drains into the tank and out of the home. Some inspectors use a dye flushed down the toilet to confirm that the water they’re seeing comes from the house and not other sources. However, this method can take days to appear and doesn’t always prove that the septic system is working properly.
Sludge Determination
Your septic tank is a large underground holding container that contains wastewater from your home. As the waste enters the tank, bacteria and enzymes break it down and form a heavy solid layer that settles at the bottom of the tank – this is called the sludge. This sludge must be removed regularly to prevent it from overflowing the septic system and releasing untreated wastewater into the environment.
During the septic tank cleaning process, professionals will check the sludge level. They will also inspect the sludge and scum traps for cracks or other damage that may require repairs. In most cases, the pros will use a piece of equipment known as a Sludge Judge that they push into the tank to sample the sludge depth. This device has a built-in gauge that shows the pro how deep into the septic tank the sludge is.
The pros will also open the access port on the inlet side of the septic tank to remove any sludge that has accumulated inside. Then, they will uncover the outlet side of the septic tank and inspect the baffle filter. This part of the inspection is important because it helps ensure that the septic tank is not clogged and that it is functioning correctly.
Clogged septic tanks can cause wastewater to back up into your home, which is not only unpleasant but also harmful to the environment and your health. Preventive maintenance for your septic tank keeps the wastewater treatment process working properly and eliminates foul waste odors.
In general, septic tank cleaning is recommended every two to three years. The tank should be pumped when the sludge layer reaches a thickness of one foot. If the sludge is too thick, it could overflow and release untreated wastewater into the environment. A professional can help you determine how often your septic tank should be pumped by measuring the thickness of the sludge layer. You can also measure the sludge yourself with a stick, such as a seven foot long two by four or a strong stick. Attach a 18-24 inch velcro strip to the end of the stick, starting at one end of the stick. This allows the dark thick sludge to cling to the velcro and give you an approximate sludge reading.
All of the wastewater that exits your home through toilets, sinks, and drains eventually ends up in a septic tank. This is a large, concrete tank that contains bacteria to break down solid waste. The liquid waste that exits the tank is carried to the drain field in your yard. The waste that sinks to the bottom of the tank is called sludge and begins to breakdown into a slime-like substance. The septic tank must be pumped regularly to remove the sludge layer, preventing it from building up and overflowing into the drain field.
If the septic tank has not been pumped in a long time, you may notice your toilets flushing slowly or draining slower than usual. You may also notice water puddles or sewage smells near the drainage area in your yard. If this is the case, it is definitely time for septic tank cleaning. If you are unsure when the last time your septic tank was pumped, the septic professional can check the inlet and outlet tees for clogs. These tees prevent the sludge and scum from reaching the absorption field, where it could clog or reduce the efficiency of the system.
Once the septic tank has been inspected and cleaned, the technician can begin pumping it. This is a messy and time-consuming job, but it must be done. The technician will use a vacuum truck with a large hose to remove the sludge from the tank. They will then clean the lid and replace it. They will also inspect the septic tank for cracks or leaks and repair any damage found.
Having the septic tank cleaned and pumped on a regular basis can help you avoid costly repairs in the future. It is recommended that the septic tank be pumped every 3 to 5 years, but this depends on the size of your house and how many people live in it. If you have a smaller house or are unsure how often your septic tank should be pumped, it is best to follow the recommendation of the septic system specialist.